"Poignant music doesn’t have to shake the world. It can also come in soothing and subtle forms. It can caress and care rather than seek to smite and smash, precisely like the change that is the subject of his song. It’s a beauty, but in its own understated way, it’s a beast of a message."—dancing-about-architecture.com

"Folky in sound and nostalgic and nature, this song really hits the mark for those of us in a transitional period in our life - serving as a reminder that change will come no matter what."—whichcoast.com

“in a world filled with change, with songs, artists, and bands all thumpin’ us on the head for our attention…there’s something about the inherent peacefulness of this song that’s bound to captivate a whole lot of people.”—sleepingbagstudios.ca

“10 out of 10: Handmade folk and Americana, friends of the genre MUST NOT miss David Singley.”—Excess Magazine (Germany)